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Vascular surgeons at the Hospital Na Homolce removed a rib using a robot

A unique procedure that pushed the boundaries of robotic surgery took place at the Vascular Surgery Department of the Na Homolka Hospital. It was a procedure that had never been performed before in Central and Eastern Europe. A team of vascular surgeons led by Prof. Petr Štádler, one of the world's foremost experts in robotic vascular surgery, successfully performed a robotic-assisted removal of the first rib in a young patient suffering from Thoracic Outlet Syndrome.

This revolutionary procedure represents a major breakthrough in the treatment of this diagnosis, which often affects younger active individuals, including athletes, and the most effective type of intervention is being sought for them. In upper thoracic aperture syndrome, there is compression of the neurovascular bundle in the region of the first rib. Patients suffer from pain, tingling, swelling, or immobility of the limb.

The first robotic-assisted procedure of its kind

Until now, similar procedures have been performed by conventional surgery or thoracoscopic resection. "Robotic surgery allows us to remove the rib perfectly and provides a clearer surgical terrain, which increases the accuracy of the procedure and minimises the risks," explains Prof. Petr Štádler. "We are extremely proud to be the first in Central and Eastern Europe to successfully perform this procedure, which only reaffirms that our hospital is still a leader in vascular robotic surgery."

The young patient, who is a professional fencing athlete, underwent the surgery due to difficulties associated with blood vessel compression. The diagnosis of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome is most often confirmed in patients by MRI, CT or ultrasound in addition to clinical examination, and treatment begins conservatively with rehabilitation. Surgery is a last resort in cases where symptoms persist and limit the patient's normal life.

"The patient was suffering from vein pain and this condition made her everyday life and her sporting career very difficult. I am glad that thanks to robotic surgery we could offer a solution that is not only effective but also more gentle than conventional methods," added Prof. Štádler.

The future of robotic surgery

The successful performance of a new type of surgery confirms the position of Na Homolce Hospital as a leader in the field of robotic surgery. "The use of robotic systems in vascular surgery opens the door to further innovative procedures and allows us to provide patients with the highest level of care."  Robotic resection of the first rib represents the 14th type of robotic procedure performed at our facility. Among the most common are robotic abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery and the so-called aortofemoral bypass, concludes Prof. Štádler.